Monday, March 24, 2014

Chili's Molten Lava Cake

My OB told me to watch for my diet. Only 2 kg weight gain are allowed per month. To do this, i should stay away from sweets and minimize carbs. 

But what will you do if your friend will treat you at Chili's. Me, i just cant resist the invitation. I just hope that we will not grow too big (me and baby) so i can still have a normal delivery. 

Anyways, In short.. I gave in to the invitation and guess what i requested for dessert? -->Molten Lava cake.. :-)

How will i describe this cake? Its a moist chocolate cake with a hot chocolate fudge filling. And topped with a vanilla ice cream coated with crunchy chocolate.

Im not an expert in describing taste but i love the taste of  how the hot chocolate fudge and vanilla ice cream mixed. This dessert is always in my request list everytime we go at chili's.

Thanks to malou for the treat!! I just hope that i will not exceed the 2kg weight gain allowance this month. Last month, i gained 3.5kg. :-( 

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